一次在Vultr后台Open Ticket打开25邮件端口的经历

做梦都想把评论回复邮件这个功能做好,可是看了看后台的“外网不通”的Port 25,我的内心有点凉。


不管了,脸就不要了!点开Open Ticket,写了以下内容:

Title: Please open SMTP 25 port. Thanks!

Please unblock port 25. Blog commenting and signing up need it open.

The server is used for my personal blog, and I wanna use Mailfeedback via 25 port, and my forum need it to send signing-up mails to users.


ps:My native language is not English, grammar error cannot be avoided.



  1. 开头直击要点,先陈述主要问题,拖泥带水的话留到后面。
  2. 说明自己的问题、现象、为什么要解决,希望得到的解决方案是怎样的等等的东西。



This appears to be related to an Account Management issue. The Technical Support group does not have access to make account changes so we must now transfer this ticket to the Account Management group for attention.

Please note the Account Management group's regular hours are approximately 9AM to 5PM US eastern daily. While they do their best to resolve any account-related issues in a timely manner, this will take some time. We thank you in advance for your patience.

If you feel I missed something technical, please refer to this Ticket ID in a new request and we will be sure to follow up.


Isaac .K

Systems Administrator


  1. 我这个TK投错区了,这个是账户问题,不是技术问题,Staff帮我转了区。
  2. 我投TK的时间应该是东美上午9点到下午5点。



SMTP ports are blocked by default on all Vultr Accounts and clients are asked to request removing the block off their accounts as needed.

Please provide the business name and organization URL(s) under which you offer services and describe in as much detail as possible the nature of the emails you intend to send including an estimated number of emails you intend to send on a daily basis.

We need to know this in order to make an informed decision regarding your account settings and resource limits. Thank you for your understanding.

If you have any additional questions our team is happy to assist you further. Thank you for choosing Vultr!

Kind Regards,

Mel B.

Customer Support

意思好像是Port 25默认的账户上为防止垃圾邮件,是关闭的,需要我提供原因来决定是否开启。


我不是在一开始就写了我开Port 25的原因么?眼睛不好使?


The server is used for my personal blog, and I wanna use Mailfeedback via 25 port, and my forum need it to send signing-up mails to users.

It will only send 5-30 mails a day or even a week.

Mails need to remind commentators to visit my blog and check the feedbacks to them.

Mails need to be confirmed by my users to create accounts.




Thank you for sharing your intentions.

We have removed the default SMTP block on your account. Please restart any active instances via https://my.vultr.com for the change to take effect (restarting via the server itself _willnot work).

Please note that any bulk mail is strictly forbidden on our network. Thank you for understanding.

For reference, our ANTI-SPAM policy is listed here: https://www.vultr.com/legal/antispam_policy.php

If you have any additional questions our team is happy to assist you further. Thank you for choosing Vultr!

Kind Regards,

Mel B.

Customer Support





已有 4 条评论
  1. 杰克


    杰克 | | Windows 10 x64 Edition | Google Chrome 77.0.3865.120
  2. 杰克


    杰克 | | Windows 10 x64 Edition | Google Chrome 77.0.3865.120
    1. 杰克


      成功了 https://www.jackgenius.xyz/index.php/2019/11/29/%E8%AE%B0%E4%B8%80%E6%AC%A1vultr%E8%A7%A3%E9%99%A425%E7%AB%AF%E5%8F%A3%E9%99%90%E5%88%B6%E7%9A%84%E7%BB%8F%E5%8E%86/

      杰克 | | Windows 10 x64 Edition | Google Chrome 77.0.3865.120
  3. Qingo


    Qingo | | Mac OS X 10.13.4 | Google Chrome 66.0.3359.181
